I am a 2nd year PhD candidate for the Safe AI Lab at Carnegie Mellon University,
advised by Prof. Ding Zhao.
I received my BA in Psychological Science at the University of California, Irvine.
My research interest is broadly in multimodal learning, particularly with
physiological signals, for applications in cognitive science, embodied artificial intelligence (AI), and healthcare.
I work with vision and language as well.
More recently, I am super interested in multimodal and representation learning with electrocardiograms (ECGs) and text.
When I am not doing research, I like to hang out with my friends, read, and watch YouTube videos.
I love meeting new people so please do not hesitate to reach out to wjhan{at}andrew{dot}cmu{dot}edu.
Reviewer: CVPR (2023), NeurIPS (2023), ICML (2023), EMNLP (2023), ICLR (2024, 2025)
Research Roundtable Junior Chair at Machine Learning for Health 2023